Why We're Special At Susieville
Listen to our story about our ranch and the inspiration behind providing locally raised, grass-fed, Criollo beef.
Susie and Jon attended Toucan Market’s New Mexico Local Producer’s Day! Toucan Market in Las Cruces has over 125 New Mexico local producer’s products in their great specialty foods store! Check Toucan Market out! You will be amazed!
Greetings from Susieville Cattle Company!
Our specialty is raising grass-fed beef the old fashioned way, from start to finish on open ranges and grass pastures the way Grandpa did!
No added hormones, steroids, or unnecessary antibiotics!
Folks say our beef is tasty, tender, and juicy, just the way they remember it being in the good old days. The side benefit is that it provides a more balanced Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio than conventional beef. This has been proven to be good for the ticker! A good diet of grasses also provides many additional vitamins and minerals along with increased CLA, a known cancer fighter. So it tastes good and is good for ya!
We have a special breed of cattle called Criollo! (Pronounced Cree-yo-yo) These cattle are direct descendants of the cattle brought to the new world by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the new world. They are the foundation herd that established the Texas Longhorn, Florida Cracker, Georgia Piney, Corrientes, and many other old southern cattle. The Criollo by history are desert adapted animals. They require less water and eat many plants the British Breeds won’t touch. They tend to move while they graze, and with their smaller stature and hooves, they have a reduced impact on riparian areas. These guys and gals are more likely to survive a severe drought.
Always happy cows on Thistle Dew Ranch.
The Thistle Dew Ranch (try saying that fast) on the Mimbres River near Faywood, New Mexico is home to our herd. We have 511 total acres with 141 of those acres being irrigatable. We have established seven rotational pastures with underground drip irrigation for finishing our steers. As they reach maturity, these steers are processed to provide a continuous supply of grass-fed beef to ten established retail and restaurant locations. The rest of our herd grazes the balance of the acreage.
We firmly believe that the best way to make our grass-fed beef available to the general public is by partnering with select retail outlets that make our product available 6 or 7 days a week during regular business hours. We also believe that the Criollo may hold the key to preserving the Southwest’s ranching way of life by showing upcoming ranchers an alternative way to stay viable in the competitive international beef industry.
A wise fellow once told us that there was little need to sell anyone on the health benefits of our grass-fed beef. He stated that the people who will buy our beef will be the ones that are already convinced that this is a preferable and healthier alternative.
To avoid overcooking Susieville beef, either reduce the temperature or the cooking time from conventional recipes, and never cook past medium.
Bon Appe’tit!
“I’m telling everybody about your product. It is something that everybody should know about. I judge based on places like Lawry’s in Beverly Hills and Morton’s Steak House in Chicago and Atlanta. Yours is as good as theirs!”